An umbrella company is a company that employs individuals for a set fee. Many of these companies have a wide range of jobs and do not pay income tax. As such, the UK Umbrella Company Act 2010 is [...]
Expenses are regular payments a business makes towards ongoing business operations. They directly affect a company’s profitability ratio, which measures whether revenues exceed expenses. [...]
Having a sound understanding of how HMRC PAYE works is crucial for the operation of a small business. The main purpose of an investigation is to check whether a business is compliant with the [...]
A good place to start if you’re new to contracting is with an Umbrella Company. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of working with an Umbrella Company? In this blog we [...]
Many contractors do not know that they can benefit from using an umbrella company in the UK. It is easy to register, and once you do, you can start earning money within minutes. The payroll [...]